Professor of Migration Studies
United Nations University - MERIT
Maastricht University
The Netherlands
Academic Teaching

Relevant Experience
Developed three online courses in migration (Introduction to Migration Studies, Migration and Remittance Effects, Comparative Migration Policy) for UM-UNU-MERIT running since 2012
Developed and responsible for the Migration Specialization (part of the Master’s Program in Public Policy and Human Development ) at UM-UNU-MERIT: course coordinator for four courses in this program: Introduction to Migration Studies; Migration and Remittance Effects; Data Collection and Analysis for Migration Studies; Comparative Migration Policy running since 2009 and Master’s thesis supervision
Post-Graduate Diploma in Migration Studies in Nairobi Kenya funded by the Better Migration Management Program via GIZ in cooperation with the Kenyan Department of Immigration Service and the University of Nairobi since 2019
Migration Management Diploma Program in Rwanda for the Rwandan Government Directorate General for Immigration and Emigration since 2019
Lecturer/Course coordinator in the Bachelor’s course: Migration Studies: Flows and Concepts (2016, 2019) Course coordinator (2017, 2018)
Developed and taught in the Master’s course Migration and Social Protection at Hochschule Bonn-Rein-Sieg, Germany (2017, 2018)
Co-Developed and taught the College of Charleston Honors College Course Global Poverty, Inequality and Vulnerability (2014, 2015, 2016)
Workshop lecturer on problem based learning for the College of Charleston, USA (2014)
Workshop lecturer on problem based learning for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA (2013)
Public lecture on migration and development at the College of Charleston, USA (2013)
Guest Lecturer MYEULINK Malaysia Program (teaching on the Problem Based Learning teaching approach as well as lectures on the EU Migration Experience and the Effect of the Financial Crisis on Migration and Remittances (2011)
Regular supervision of PhD students, Master’s student theses and Capstone projects from 2009 onwards
Lecturer in the interfaculty minor “Globalization and Diversity” on migration and remittances for Maastricht University (2007, 2008)
Lecture on “Remittances and Development”, Anton de Kom University, April 2006, Paramaribo, Suriname
PhD Supervision
PhDs Awarded under my Supervision
Charlotte Mueller (submitted to committee) “Diaspora Return Visits for Knowledge Transfer and Capacity Development: A Case Study of IOM’s Connecting Diaspora for Development Project in Ethiopia, Sierra Leone and Somaliland”
Anny Yu (December 2021) “Immigrant Welfare Dynamics in the Netherlands”
Eliana Rubiano-Matulevich (June 2021) "Essays on Conflict-Induced Displacement and Gender in Colombia."
Elaine Lebon-McGregor (October 2020) “International Organizations and Global Migration Governance”
Nora Rageb (April 2020) "Diaspora Mobilisation in a Conflict Setting: The Emergence and trajectories of Syrian Diaspora Mobilisation in Germany"
Katrin Marchand (December 2018) “Essays on Forced Migration and Labour Market Participation in Developing Countries”
Biljana Meschkovska (November 2018) “Life after trafficking: (re) integration processes of women that have been trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Europe”
Jennifer Waidler (October 2018) "Social Assistance and Remittances and Their Role in the Fight Against Poverty".
Clotilde Mahé ( June 2018) “Essays on migration and occupational choice”
Brenda Yamba (June 2017), “Schooling Despite all Odds: Evidence from Lesotho on female child carers who stayed in school”
Craig Loschmann (October 2016), “Essays on Migration and Development in (Post-) Conflict Afghanistan”
Andrea Milan (June 2016), “Rural livelihoods, location and vulnerable environments: Approaches to migration in mountain areas of Latin America”
Simona Vezzoli (November 2015), “Borders, independence and post-colonial ties: the role of the state in Caribbean emigration”
Michaella Vanore (June 2015) “Family-Member Migration and the Psychosocial Health Outcomes of Children in Moldova and Georgia”.
Marieke van Houte (November 2014) “Moving Back or Moving Forward? Return Migration After Conflict”
PhD assessment committees
Christophe Leclerc (2022) “Citizenship in context: Naturalisation and residential environment of immigrants in the Netherlands”
Inge Hooijen (2021) “Place attractiveness: A study of the determinants playing a role in residential settlement behavior”
Merve Nezihe Özer (2020) “Essays on drivers and long-term impact of migration”
Janyl Moldalieva (2020) “Playing the ‘Game’ of Transparency and Accountability in Kyrgyzstan’s Resource Governance”
Thomas Huddleston (2019) “Naturalisation in action: How nationality laws work in practice across Europe”, Maastricht University
Catie Lott (2019) “Diamonds are a Woman’s Best Friend Broadening Measures of Women’s Access to Formal Political Decision Making”, Maastricht University
Edo Mahendra (2018) “Determinants of Migration: The Role of Social and Trade Policies”, University of Oxford
Floris Peters (2018) “The Citizenship Premium Immigrant Naturalisation and Socio-Economic Integration in the Netherlands”, Maastricht University
Ayokunu Adedokun (2016) “Pathways to Sustainable Peacebuilding in Divided Societies: Lessons and Experiences from Mozambique”, Maastricht University
Julieta Marotta (2016) “Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment of Victims of Domestic Violence through Legal Organizations in the City of Buenos Aires: A Qualitative Empirical Legal Study”, Maastricht University
Marlijn Haagsman (2015) “Parenting Across Borders”, Maastricht University
Katie Kuschminder (2015) “Female Return Migration and Reintegration Strategies in Ethiopia”, Maastricht University
Margaret Agaba Rugadya (2014) “Can Remittances Influence the Tenure and Quality of Housing in Uganda”, Maastricht University
Natasja Reslow (2013) “Partnering for Mobility? Three-level games in EU external policy”, Maastricht University
Aziz Atamanov (2011) Rural Nonfarm Employment and International Migration as Alternatives to Agricultural Employment”, Maastricht University